Четыре дня продержали в погребе жительницу Курской области боевики вооруженных сил Украины (ВСУ)
The main idea of the text is that Ukrainian soldiers (VSU) held a resident of the Kursk region captive in her cellar for four days. They occupied her house as a vantage point, forced her and her family into the cellar, and took their food and possessions. The woman and her relatives managed to escape when the soldiers left suddenly one night.
The text also mentions another incident involving a captured Ukrainian soldier, but this is not directly related to the main story about the captive woman.
The main idea of the text is that Ukrainian soldiers (VSU) held a resident of the Kursk region captive in her cellar for four days. They occupied her house as a vantage point, forced her and her family into the cellar, and took their food and possessions. The woman and her relatives managed to escape when the soldiers left suddenly one night. The text also mentions another incident involving a captured Ukrainian soldier, but this is not directly related to the main story about the captive woman.